Vote NO on 2A
2A is a BILLION DOLLAR Government Scheme

Thank you, Pueblo!
Our city's voters read the ballot question, listened to the issues and overwhelmingly rejected
2A as too costly and too risky.
Bills will
Taxes will
Pollution will
Reliability GOES DOWN
What Will Happen If 2A Passes?
Why Should We Pay for it Twice?
Under 2A, this government utility takeover would force us to pay for the same electric system TWICE. Is that a good idea?
The city’s plan went from a city-only takeover, to a county takeover, and now the whole region. And they won’t even tell us in the ballot language what that will cost.
ANSWER: 1 BILLION DOLLARS. That’s right, the price has now ballooned from $400 Million to $1 Billion.

Boulder Has WASTED
$25 Million Dollars
Boulder has proven this is a BAD IDEA! They’ve spent $25 million since 2012 and they still don’t own the utility. Let’s be clear, a Yes vote May 5th will not change your electricity on May 6th . What it will do is cost you —the taxpayers— over $3 million of taxes and fees every year now paid by Black Hills that WE will have to make up. Our city will also be in for years of legal battles over condemnation and regulation. Who do you think will pay for ALL of that?
2A Gives Politicians a Dangerous Blank Check!
By using the City’s un-regulated Water Board they can raise water and electric rates AND issue millions of dollars of debt ALL WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL. Don’t take our word for it…it says exactly that in the ballot language two different times. The politicians did this by design to avoid TABOR and keep the voters from having any further say after May 5th. (They didn’t want to tell voters the truth, they were forced to when their ballot language was challenged in court.) Voters have NO off ramp…NO out, even if we don’t like what happens. Does that sound fair?
Is the Grass Really Greener at the Water Board?
The unregulated Pueblo Water Works raises rates every year—25% since 2012. In 2018, they cutoff almost 4000 customers for failure to pay.
A government takeover risks reliability. Our modern electric grid is complex and requires strong security measures and engineering expertise that the water works (or their proposed partners) simply don’t have. The Water Board already has enough to do without risking their mission.