We won!
Yes on 7G
We did it! Thank you to the voters in the seven-county metro area for approving YES on 7G.
This measure will allow the Flood Control District to continue its work protecting people, property and open space for millions of people for years to come.
Thank you for your support!
Why 7G?
TABOR’s primary goal was to give voters control over government by voting on taxes. While that function has worked, other parts of the constitutional amendment have had a very negative impact on Special Districts like Fire Districts and the Flood Control District. TABOR’s ratchet- down effect has reduced the Flood Control District’s current mill levy over time from 1.0 mill authorized by the Legislature to 0.56 mills. That 44% reduction in revenue means a current annual funding decrease of $23 million.
Since TABOR’s ratchet-down took effect, the District has deferred almost $300 million in infrastructure construction and maintenance needed to protect lives and property, and to preserve open space and trails in floodplains.
Because anywhere it can rain...it can flood
What the District Does for You
The District partners with metro cities and counties to design and construct flood control and early warning measures, open space and trails, and debris removal.
Flood Prevention

Maintains a system of Early Flood Warning gauges to provide alerts for evacuations to keep your family safe.
Coordinates alerts with NOAA, first responders and the media so you are first to know.
Works with FEMA and local governments to develop Flood Maps for the community.
Open Space & Trail Development

For almost 50 years, the District has been providing families and people the ability to enjoy Colorado's beautiful open spaces and amazing trails.
The District has been the leading force preventing unwise growth in low-lying floodplains in the Metro Area; so instead of housing and industrial growth, those areas are now open space for public use and
enjoyment while providing a safe buffer from high water.

Debris & Garbage Removal

Removes debris and garbage from streams, creeks and rivers making them not only safer and more beautiful but also allowing for recreational use.

Works with local governments to clear out and clean-up encampments and illegal activity along waterways. The District pays for 100% of clean-up costs.

Fast Facts About the Flood Control District
Protects 3,000,000 People
Serves 41Municipalities
Spans the 7 County Denver Metro Area
Established by the Legislature in 1969
The Legislature set and capped the mill levy at 1.0 mill
The District is a very lean agency, utilizing a staff of only 30 to cover a 1,600 square mile area that includes almost 60% of Colorado's population. Contracting out the work keeps overhead low, costs down and ensures all the jobs stay local.
Their full legal name is:
What will YES on 7G cost me?
That’s the best part. Tabor requires the ballot to say ‘tax increase’ but it’s really just a restoration of District funding. By passing this de-Bruce measure the District will simply restore their mill levy to the statutory cap set by the Legislature in 1969 at 1 mill.
By law the mill levy cannot exceed 1.0 mill
Restoring the mill levy means the cost to taxpayers is just Two Bucks a year ($1.97) for each $100,000 of actual home value. So a $400,000 home would pay $8/year or Sixty-six cents per month.
De-Bruce the District (you do the math)
$100,000 of home value= 16 cents/month
$300,000 of home value= 50 cents/month
$500,000 of home value= 83 cents/month
$750,000 of home value= $1.25/month
$900,000 of home value= $1.50/month
7A is a ballot measure designed to restore the Flood Control District with essential funding necessary to preserve Colorado’s way of life for over 3 million people in the 7 county metro area. The measure will appear on the November 6th ballot and will give district voters the opportunity to show that protecting people, property and the environment is important to the state.
Essential components to 7A include:
Flood Prevention
Open Space & Trail Development
Debris & Garbage Removal